[Science_Health]자폐증은 임신 중 섭취하는 생선과는 연관이 없다!
- 과학기사 번역 스크랩
- 2018. 5. 22.
자폐증은 임신중 섭취하는 생선류와는 연관성이 없다!
Autism is not linked to eating fish in pregnacy
May 21, 2018, University of Bristol
A major study examining the fish-eating habits of pregnant women has found that they are not linked to autism or autistic traits in their children.
Scientists at the University of Bristol looked at the assumption that mercury exposure during pregnancy is a major cause of autism using evidence from nearly 4500 women who took part in the Children of the 90s study.
Using analysis of blood samples, reported fish consumption and information on autism and autistic traits from one of the largest longitudinal studies to date, researchers found no links between levels of mercury in the mothers and autism or autistic traits in their children. The only adverse effect of mercury found was poor social cognition if mothers ate no fish at all, especially for girls.
Lead author and founder of the Children of the 90s study Professor Jean Golding commented: "Our findings further endorse the safety of eating fish during pregnancy. Importantly we've found no evidence at all to support claims that mercury is involved in the development of autism or autistic traits.
"This adds to a body of work that endorses the eating of fish during pregnancy for a good nutritional start to life with at least two fish meals a week."
Explore further: Scientists link genes to brain anatomy in autism
More information:
Jean Golding et al. Prenatal mercury exposure and features of autism: a prospective population study, Molecular Autism (2018). DOI: 10.1186/s13229-018-0215-7
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